Learn How to Become a Leader in Partnerships

✔️ Work­shops | ✔️ Courses

Coach­ing for Entre­pre­neurs, Part­ner­ship Pro­fes­sion­als & Consultants


Action­able Learn­ing and Work­ing Sessions

Workshop Info Call


Price: $2900
(incl. addi­tion­al prep-time and recommendations)

Embark on your part­ner­ships jour­ney with con­fi­dence. This work­shop, inspired by our com­pre­hen­sive Part­ner­ship Assess­ment Check­list, focus­es on prepar­ing your prod­uct, com­pa­ny, and stake­hold­ers for suc­cess­ful co-sell, co-mar­ket, and co-inno­vate endeav­ors. The work­shop pro­vides a detailed step-by-step guide cov­er­ing impor­tant aspects such as Scope of Part­ner­ships, Analy­sis of Busi­ness Con­text, Deci­sion, and Com­mit­ment. Stand on the sol­id ground of readi­ness with our expert guidance.

Partnership Assessment Checklist


Price: $2900
(incl. addi­tion­al prep-time and recommendations)

Shape your strat­e­gy and exe­cute it flaw­less­ly. Based on our exhaus­tive Part­ner­ship Strat­e­gy Check­list, this work­shop aids you in the devel­op­ment and exe­cu­tion of a robust part­ner­ship strat­e­gy. We pro­vide a struc­tured roadmap for cap­i­tal-effi­cient growth, iden­ti­fy­ing suit­able part­ner types, and craft­ing effec­tive part­ner pro­grams. Arm your­self with a strat­e­gy that works.

Partnership Strategy Checklist


Price: $2900
(incl. addi­tion­al prep-time and recommendations)

Oper­a­tional­ize part­ner­ships like a pro. Lever­ag­ing our com­pre­hen­sive Part­ner Oper­a­tions Check­list, the work­shop guides you through estab­lish­ing a 6‑step oper­a­tional Part­ner Life-Cycle. Learn to imple­ment a sol­id part­ner oper­at­ing sys­tem ben­e­fit­ing you and your part­ners, form­ing a foun­da­tion for your part­ner­ships to thrive. Opti­mized oper­a­tions unrav­el opti­mized results.

Partner Operations Checklist

Courses & Trainings

In addi­tion to our ser­vice, we rec­om­mend a range of cours­es to enhance your part­ner­ship efforts.
Cours­es & Train­ing by Part­nerX­pe­ri­ence (PXP).

Book a Call

Partner Manager

In-Per­son | Dura­tion: half day 
Vir­tu­al | Dura­tion: 3 x 2 hours 
Price: $699 per person

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This inter­ac­tive learn­ing ses­sion teach­es you how to become a suc­cess­ful Part­ner Man­ag­er and con­sis­tent­ly hit and exceed your goals and targets.

Partner Manager
Team Training

In-Per­son | Dura­tion: half day
Vir­tu­al | Dura­tion: 3 x 2 hours
Price: $3500 per team

Partner Manager Certification Blue 2048x1024 1

In this inter­ac­tive team train­ing, you will learn togeth­er with your col­leagues how to cre­ate and grow suc­cess­ful busi­ness part­ner­ships (max. 7 attendees).