Become a Business Partnership Architect

Pro­fes­sion­al Coach­ing for Entre­pre­neurs, Part­ner­ship Pro­fes­sion­als & Consultants

✔️ Sched­uled Ses­sions | ✔️ Mate­ri­als | ✔️ Slack Connect

No mat­ter if you are work­ing as a part­ner­ship pro­fes­sion­al in a com­pa­ny or you run your own con­sul­tan­cy firm, this ser­vice will help you become a suc­cess­ful Busi­ness Part­ner­ships Archi­tect (BPA).

Start & Scale $1,990 / Enter­prise $3,990
month­ly sub­scrip­tion, 12 week-pack­age 25% off

Growth At Any Costs (GAAC) Doesn’t Work Anymore!

It’s time to select and imple­ment an effi­cient and sus­tain­able Go-To-Mar­ket mod­el. Whether you’re just start­ing out, scal­ing up, have grown up, or are a large enter­prise, there are two paths ahead.


Partner Right, Grow Strong

Mas­ter the sci­ence to cre­ate thriv­ing busi­ness part­ner­ships and con­fi­dent­ly imple­ment ide­al part­ner pro­grams that dri­ve growth and suc­cess for your business.

Bowtie Partnerships


BPA Start & Scale

month­ly sub­scrip­tion — $1,990/month
12-week pack­age (25% off) — $8,955

Are your busi­ness or cus­tomers start-ups or scale-ups in SaaS, Fin­tech, and oth­er indus­tries? Cap­i­tal-effi­cient growth (CEG) (📥 CEG Play­book)  is what mat­ters at this stage. As Busi­ness Part­ner­ship Archi­tect you will be able to achieve exact­ly that.

The coach­ing cov­ers all top­ics in the Part­ner­Stan­dard Frame­work that you need to start, grow, and expand a busi­ness with partnerships.

What is included?

  • Ini­tial Assess­ment to cus­tomize the coach­ing to your needs
  • Sched­uled 1:1 calls (90min/week, 6h/month)
  • Access to me via Slack text or audio DMs (unlim­it­ed, between the calls)
  • Dis­counts on curat­ed Part­nerTech and Tools
  • Life­time access to the Part­ner OS

BPA Enterprise

month­ly sub­scrip­tion — $3,990/month
12-week pack­age (25% off) — $17,955

Enter­pris­es often engage in com­plex part­ner­ships that impact a wide range of inter­nal and exter­nal stake­hold­ers. Nav­i­gat­ing these com­plex­i­ties requires a strate­gic approach that aligns process­es, cul­ture, and col­lab­o­ra­tion to dri­ve prof­itable-effi­cient growth (PEG).

As a BPA Enter­prise client, you will learn the essen­tial skills and strate­gies to effec­tive­ly man­age and opti­mize your enter­prise part­ner­ships and how to imple­ment the prin­ci­ples of ISO 44001 in Enter­prise organizations.

What is included?

  • Ini­tial Assess­ment to cus­tomized the coach­ing to your needs
  • Sched­uled 1:1 calls (90min/week, 8h/month)
  • Access to me via Slack text or audio DMs (Unlim­it­ed, between the calls)
  • ISO 44001 License
  • Life­time access to the ISO 44001 Assistant

Book a Call
