Start, Grow and Innovate
Your Business with Partnerships

Don’t let part­ner­ships be your Achilles heel. Instead be ready to thrive and cre­ate sus­tain­able growth through col­lab­o­ra­tions. Take the guess­work out of partnerships.

✔️ Coach­ing | ✔️ Con­sult­ing | ✔️ Training

Make any partnership successful for your business, no matter what type of partnership!


Schedule a call with me

Portrait BF

Most business leaders struggle with establishing successful partnerships

Part­ner­Stan­dard™ pro­vides a prac­ti­cal frame­work, suit­able for any busi­ness stage, that trans­forms you into a suc­cess­ful Busi­ness Part­ner­ship Architect.

StartUps & ScaleUps

Ele­vate your Busi­ness with scal­able part­ner­ship pro­grams to dri­ve cap­i­tal-effi­cient growth (CEG).


Cre­ate pow­er­ful exter­nal and inter­nal col­lab­o­ra­tions aligned with the ISO 44001 frame­work to achieve prof­itable-effi­cient growth (PEG).

Coach­ing for Entre­pre­neurs, Part­ner­ship Pro­fes­sion­als & Consultants

Online Partnership Readiness Assessment

Imme­di­ate results. Free Assess­ment

Free Partnerships Strategy 1:1 for Startups (<$20m)

Lim­it­ed avail­abil­i­ty. Book here

Three Ways to Start
Your Partner-Based Business Growth

Knowledge Hub

Access a con­stant­ly expand­ing Knowl­edge Hub packed with hand­picked resources on Partnerships.


Save time & mon­ey with expert guid­ance and cours­es made to help you grow your busi­ness with partners.


Receive action­able tips and insights to start, grow, and fine-tune your busi­ness through partnerships.



Partnerships Readiness

Dura­tion: 45 min | Price: free

You would like to grow your busi­ness cap­i­tal effi­cient­ly with part­ner­ships, but don’t know where to start?
This ser­vice eval­u­ates your readi­ness for enter­ing or expand­ing in the world of part­ner­ships, ensur­ing you have the goals, expec­ta­tions, and resources need­ed for success.

Book a Free Assessment Call

or do a

Knowledge Hub

Access a con­stant­ly expand­ing Knowl­edge Hub packed with hand­picked resources on Partnerships.

>110 Glossary Definitions

>55 Partnership KPIs

Check out the Knowl­edge Hub with curat­ed tem­plates, guides, books, tools, com­mu­ni­ties, events, and much more. 


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